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Sixth Form admissions

Each year we look forward to welcoming a new cohort of Sixth Formers to the Latymer School.

Current students

We like to see Latymer students continue into the Sixth Form, indeed almost all Year 11 students do continue into Year 12. During GCSE study, most Latymer students demonstrate the self-discipline, enthusiasm for learning and interest in their chosen subjects, which are essential qualities for Sixth Form study.

But progression isn’t automatic, there are two academic requirements:

  • Students must achieve at least numerical grade 7 (or equivalent) in the subjects they wish to study at A Level.
  • Students must achieve at least 6 numerical grade 7's (or equivalent) overall in the GCSE examinations.
New students

The Latymer School strongly encourage applications from new students with a passion for their chosen subjects and welcome them to our community. For applications for Year 12 admissions in September 2025, please check the 2025 admissions page.

As part of the application process, the school will contact the new candidate’s current school, in order to obtain information regarding the applicant’s predicted grades. This information will be used to decide whether it will be possible to make the candidate a conditional offer. The number of places available to study Mathematics and the Sciences is limited by capacity, and so the candidate will also be required to satisfy additional entry requirements in order to confirm their place on these courses.

Students wishing to join the Latymer School Sixth Form should:

  • Have the necessary GCSE background - students must achieve at least numerical grade 7 (or equivalent) in the subjects they wish to study at A Level; and students must achieve at least 6 numerical grade 7s (or equivalent) overall in the GCSE examinations.
  • Meet any additional requirements, as specified by specialist subjects (in particular Mathematics and the Sciences).
  • Live in one of the postcodes specified in our current admission arrangements.
  • Demonstrate a genuine interest in their studies.
  • Have previously demonstrated an ability to meet coursework deadlines.
  • Have a strong record of attendance and punctuality.
More information for new students:

Application process

There are three parts to the application.

  • An application form: personal details and subject choices.
  • A personal statement, outlining academic interests and involvement in extracurricular activities.
  • A test for any applicant wanting to do any of the following subjects: Maths, Biology, Chemistry or Physics. The tests have been designed to emphasise rational thinking. Advanced preparation or revision is not required. If you are doing GCSEs you are capable of doing the test. Don’t panic and do not be put off applying.

The total test time is 72 minutes. Plus approx 50 mins settling/instructions/practice time spread over the different parts. The test is divided into three parts:

  • Non-verbal reasoning (using shapes): 20 minutes
  • Verbal reasoning and number reasoning): 26 minutes
  • Spatial and figure analysis (using patterns and numbers): 26 minutes
  • Each section will start with a marked example and some practice questions. It is not knowledge based but tests thinking skills.

Please note that there are no practice materials or past papers for these tests, so please do not contact the school.

Entry requirements for Mathematics and the Sciences

Each year the Mathematics and Science courses at the Latymer Sixth Form are oversubscribed. This means that it is unfortunately necessary to limit the number of offers given in these subjects.

In the interest of fairness, new candidates wishing to study these subjects are required to take an entrance examination, which is then used to rank order applicants. Places on the course will be awarded using this ranking system.

Students must meet all entry requirements for their place to be confirmed after GCSE results.

Entry requirements for non-Maths and Science subjects

  • If you select four subjects that don’t include any Maths or Science subjects, then you do not have to sit the test.
  • Your offer will be based on GCSE predictions from your existing school and spaces available in your chosen subjects. You will be sent a form that needs to be completed by your existing school and returned to the Latymer School.
  • You will not be allowed to switch to Maths/Science courses if you haven’t sat the test. So if there is any chance that you may want to do Maths/Science A Levels then please sit the test.

Selection process

  • There is a postcode criteria (see here for the full list).
  • The test will be used to rank students.
  • A conditional offer will be made to the 60 to 80 highest ranked students. This is dependent on spaces being available in your selected subjects.
  • This offer will be 6 level 7s at GCSE, including level 7s in your chosen subject choices - where applicable. A minimum of A Level 5 is required in Maths and English for all students.
  • If you fail to get a conditional offer you are welcome to contact the school after GCSE results. The deadline is 12 noon the day after GCSE results are released. 
  • If you meet the conditional offer and there is spare capacity in your chosen subjects, we may be able to offer additional places. We will consider the achieved GCSE grades. Each year between 15 and 20 students get offers in this way.

Available spaces

  • We tend to be heavily oversubscribed for the following subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Physics.
  • We tend to have more places available in the following subjects: Art, Media and Russian.
  • Your chances of getting a conditional offer will be greater if you select a combination of the above under-subscribed subjects with Economics, English, French, Geography, History, Music, Politics and Religious Studies.
  • Your greatest chance of getting a conditional offer is if you select a combination containing all under-subscribed subjects.
  • You will not be allowed to switch to the oversubscribed subjects once you have a conditional offer.

Please visit the Sixth Form section for more information about the programme of study, subjects available to study and A level choices.