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Trip to Tate Modern

Day trip for GCSE Art students.

Gaining inspiration and ideas at the Tate Modern.

As part of their exam project, GCSE Art students went on a trip to the Tate Modern in central London. This was a wonderful opportunity for students to explore their chosen theme looking at a whole range of artists to gain ideas and inspiration.

After leaving school, we travelled down to St Paul’s before crossing the Millennium Bridge, a great chance to see the city, record the buildings and the river Thames, all potential areas to explore in their projects.

Once in the gallery we were confronted by a series of monumental woven textiles arranged in a circular shape hanging from the very top of the turbine hall. We gathered under one of these huge dreamcatcher-like forms to brief the students before sending them off to investigate the gallery independently.

The Tate Modern has a wealth of modern and contemporary art and this was the perfect space for students to begin their journey and start developing their exam projects. We had a fantastic time, and everyone gained a lot from the experience; this will no doubt have a big impact on the progress the students make as there is nothing like seeing an art work as it is meant to be seen. We wish all our exam groups a massive, good luck for their upcoming art exams!